I, Dana, became interested in the link between Lyme Disease (LD) and
Hypothyroidism after my own young son contracted Lyme Disease in the late summer
of 2005. Below is my son’s story—a child who was healthy and did not exhibit any
signs of Hypothyroidism until AFTER he contracted Lyme Disease.
A few
weeks before school began in 2005, my youngest son became ill with what I
thought was a virus. He had a fever, sore throat, headache, and a stiff neck. I
checked the lymph nodes behind his neck and ears and found them enlarged. I
basically treated his symptoms the rest of the weekend with Motrin, and kept a
watchful eye on him.
The following Monday, I had him see our family
practitioner, who ran tests for Strep and Mononucleosis. Because the tests were
negative, a viral illness was diagnosed. She stated it would need to run it’s
course, and if he wasn’t better in a week, bring him back in.
the doctor, I took him home and continued to treat his symptoms. My son’s sore
neck and throat got better, but other symptoms persisted–his fever continued and
his lymph nodes were still swollen. Additionally, his eyes were bloodshot and he
had no appetite. A second trip to the Doctor found a low White Cell Count, and
we were instructed to come back in a month to recheck it. She also reiterated
that he is probably just fighting a virus.
That weekend my older son
noticed his brother had a weird red rash on his back, 2 weeks after his flu-like
symptoms began. The numerous areas of rash were very faint, round and very
large. There was some central clearing in each one. A third visit to the doctor
concluded with a diagnosis of Lyme Disease. I was actually thankful to finally
have a diagnosis. She stated a Lyme test would be run, but because the rash is
so distinctive, she was going to treat him for Lyme Disease right away with
Amoxicillin for 2 weeks.
Because I research anything that interests me, I got
on my computer and started my investigation on “Lyme Disease”. Almost
immediately I found out that the typical Lyme Rash, called “Erythema Migrans”,
is conclusive for Lyme Disease. Even if the Lyme test comes back negative,
treatment is necessary. However, by the time my son was treated, the “Borrelia
Burgdorferi” (LD) infection had already disseminated or spread throughout his
body and brain. That was why he had multiple bullseye rashes on his
Because the doctor did not suspect LD early on, I learned that my
son already had progressed to Stage 2 or Early Disseminated Lyme Disease. The
treatment for disseminated LD needed to be longer than 3 weeks on Amoxicillin! I
called my Doctor and asked if she would please prescribe a longer course of
antibiotics. She said that she would prescribe one more week and that would be
enough to take care of the infection. So, my son was “allowed” to be on
Amoxicillin for 4 weeks.
I also asked the Doctor if she thought that he
might be better off on Doxycycline, instead of Amoxicillin, since literature
states that Doxycycline is a better choice, especially if there is a chance of
co-infections. She explained that because my son was only 10 years old,
Doxycycline can discolor any permanent teeth that have not yet erupted. It was
suggested that I call my dentist and ask his opinion. I did call my son’s
dentist and he concurred with the Doctor about teeth discoloration. So, I
reluctantly, decided to stick with the Amoxicillin.
However, because my
son was showing signs of cognitive dysfunction, including short term memory loss
and word recall problems (he is an A student), I was concerned that 4 weeks of
antibiotics would not get rid of the LD infection. Luckily, through further
research online, I found there was a “Pediatric Lyme Specialist” on the East
Coast who might be able to help my son. After calling his office, his nurse
explained that he really should be on antibiotics longer than a month, because
my son was showing brain involvement. She asked me to send her all of my son’s
records and recent blood work. By the way, my son’s Lyme test did come back
positive for Lyme Disease.
My son was now in good hands. This wonderful,
compassionate Doctor prescribed an additional 3 month course of Amoxicillin,
which meant he was treated a total of 4 months on Antibiotics. He also suggested
I buy a good Probiotic for the Yeast overgrowth that occurs during antibiotic
treatment. Gradually, my son recovered his normal mental function and his other
symptoms resolved during the antibiotic treatment. However, I was watchful for
any return of symptoms, since my research show that these nasty bacterial
“Borrelia Burgdorferi” Spirochetes are resistant to antibiotics because they do
not have a cell wall. They are able to invade any and all organs or tissue in
the body and cause destruction, slowly.
My son did recover, to a certain
extent. However, to this day I do not know if the Amoxicillin was completely
successful. What I do know is that because my son was not treated the first few
weeks he was sick with LD, it was enough time for the “b. Burgdorferi”
Spirochetes to invade his organs and brain.
About a year later, I noticed my son was more fatigued
and getting headaches again, daily, as well as being moody and an easily aroused
temper. He was also hungry all the time and gaining weight. Because I was
diagnosed with Hypothyroidism in 2004, I was aware of Low Thyroid symptoms.
Also, we have a family history of Thyroid problems. My Grandmother, my now
deceased Father, my younger sister, and my Maternal Aunt have all have been
diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. So, when I started to see symptoms of this in my
son, I decided to monitor his temperature. Sure enough, his temperature was low
throughout the day, never getting above 97.9. I set up an appointment with our
local family practitioner, and when the results came back, he dismissed had Low
Thyroid. My son’s TSH was 1.78 and his FT3 was almost mid-range. But, his FT4
was very, very low.
I knew, though, from my own experience and research
that he was in fact Low Thyroid. But, I decided to wait it out a little longer
to see if this might be temporary. It wasn’t. Unfortunately, I personally did
not have a good Thyroid Doctor, and after much soul searching, I decided the
best thing for my son would be to start him on a “trial” of Armour. By this time
I had already been “self” treating myself with Armour, because I did not have
the support from my own Endochronologist. I discussed with my son what all this
entailed and he was willing to try it.
I started him on 1/4 grain of
Armour and he did well. I waited out each increase for at least a few weeks and
slowly he started to feel better. He started to lose the excess weight and his
headaches lessoned. During this time, I continued to search for a better Thyroid
Doctor. I slowly increased his Armour until we got to 3/4 grains. I did not want
to increase any further until I had his Thyroid labs done, so I kept him on 3/4
grains for over a month. I luckily found a good Doctor an hour away from us and
set up an appointment. Even though I knew in my heart that I was doing the
“right” thing in self-treating my son, I was a little nervous on that first
However, after discussing my son’s symptoms and explaining
his improvement, our new Doctor concurred that he probably did have a Thyroid
problem. He agreed to run thyroid tests to see how his numbers were compared to
the last Thyroid panel. He also greed to start prescribing Armour for my son. I
asked the new Doctor to check his FT3 and FT4 along with TSH. He was fine with
that. Well, my son’s lab results indicated an improvement in his FT3, but his
FT4 was still too low. So, the Doctor agreed that I could raise my son to 1
grain Armour. My son is continuing to improve on 1 grain Armour and I will hold
this dose for 6 weeks. I suspect we are almost there in his treatment with
Armour and I am reassured that my son will continue to improve.
Now you have read my
own son’s story of his Lyme Disease and his subsequent Hypothyroid diagnosis.
And my goal here is not only for you to be aware of Lyme Disease, but to
highlight that there is a strong link between LD infection and later developing
Thyroid Disease, Auto-immune Dysfunction and/or Adrenal Dysfunction.
D. Bleiweiss, M.D., a Lyme Disease specialist, states, “Increasingly, I am
encountering thyroid disease in LD. A local endocrinologist has remarked to me
privately that the incidence of thyroid involvement in LD may be greater than
expected from the normal population.” He goes on to say, “In many of these
patients, the thyroid dysfunction was seen to originate in the pituitary or
hypothalmus. Remaining alert to the possibility of thyroid disease is essential
because there can be considerable clinical overlap with LD. Subacute thyroiditis
is the most prevalent thyroid phenomenon I see in LD. Hypoadrenalism can
uncommonly develop: www.lymenet.de/lymcheck.html#essay
Dr. James
Howenstine, a Lyme Disease expert, states, “Profound dysfunction of the
hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal, thyroid glands and gonads is very common in
mycoplasmal, fungal, and anerobic bacterial infections. http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin...cgi?read=51356 He goes
on to say, “There is considerable evidence that many patients with Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and Lyme disease have an infectious disease.
Lyme disease needs to be considered in every patient with a chronic
Many of those who have Low Thyroid or Low Adrenal function have
also been diagnosed with either Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which
to me are “catch all” diagnoses that Doctors have used in order to “label” us
with a disease they don’t understand.
There is considerable evidence that
these diseases are actually caused by either a bacteria or virus. And, because
of these infections, our bodies’ immune systems’ are weakened. That theory, in
turn, pre-disposes us to developing various autoimmune disease as well as
Thyroid and Adrenal disorders. My own son was perfectly healthy until he was
bitten by a Lyme infected tick. This, I truly believe, set the stage for his own
Thyroid to fail.
It is true that Thryoid disease in my own family is
rampant. Many of us have developed Low Thyroid and Adrenal Disorders. I,
personally, was diagnosed with Low Thyroid in 2004. I suspect that I have
suffered from Low Thyroid most of my adult life. I too have some suspicion that
I could have been infected with LD during my early years and will soon be
testing for it. http://centralfloridaresearch.com/lab/ It could very well be
that I was bitten by a tick during one of those summers I spent in Northern
Wisconsin. Certainly Wisconsin is an epidemic state according to the CDC. www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvbid/lyme/riskmap.htm The Lyme Bacteria,
“”Borrelia Burgdorferi”, has now been found in mosquitos, biting flies, fleas,
and various other vectors www.wildernetwork.org/faq004.html It can be transmitted in
utero and by breast milk. So it can be impossible to know for sure who is really
“safe” from this insidious and very destructive infection. There is evidence
that “b. Burgdorferi” bacteria could even be transmitted, sexually. www.anapsid.org/lyme/std.html We all know that the “b.
Burgdorferi” cousin, Syphilis, can be spread through sexual
“Transmission of the disease has been clearly documented after
bites by fleas, mites, mosquitos and ticks. There is compelling evidence that
Lyme disease (LD) can be spread by sexual and congenital transfer.” http://www.samento.com.ec/sciencelib...endhowens.html
Sacramento, California blood bank thinks that LD can be spread by blood
transfusions. The CDC (Center of Disease Control) in Atlanta, Georgia states
that their data indicates that Bb can survive the blood processing techniques
used for transfusions in the US.” http://www.samento.com.ec/sciencelib...endhowens.html
professor, Lida Mattman, author of Cell Wall Deficient Forms: Stealth Pathogens,
has been able to recover live spirochetes of Bb from mosquitos, fleas, mites,
semen, urine, blood, and spinal fluid.” www.digitalnaturopath.com/cond/C351537.html#H2
LD is most often transmitted by a tick
bite. Only 20-30% of those infected ever recall a tick bite. The more common
tick vectors are the Deer Tick and the Lone Star Tick. However, other ticks can
also transmit the LD bacteria. http://www.canlyme.com/ticks.html Ticks prefer to live wooded
areas, fields, yards and even near the ocean. Even if you are not a nature lover
and prefer to stay in your house, you are not safe from LD tick bites. Your own
pets, cats or dogs, can bring these ticks into your household. Because some of
these ticks are as small as a pin-head when in there nymphal stage, it can be
virtually impossible to know if you were bitten. They have a two year life cycle
and are most active April through October. However, depending on where you live,
you are not even safe in the winter months. Every state in the US has cases of
Lyme Disease. But, the most endemic areas include Northeastern states, Pacific
Northwestern states and the Great Lake states. LD is found in many other
countries as well and include many different “strains” of the LD bacteria. The
following countries have reported cases of LD: Scandinavia, Central Europe,
Southern Europe, Western Europe, Russia, Japan, China and Australia.
many, many cases of LD go unreported or misdiagnosed. According to the following
website: www.emedicine.com/derm/topic536.htm , “Epidemiologic data
suggest that the actual incidence of Lyme disease could be as much as 10 times
higher than the CDC data indicate. This probably is a result of a restrictive
case definition from the CDC, inevitable misdiagnosis, and the fact that
physicians tend to underreport reportable diseases of all kinds.”
President of a Lyme Testing Facility, Dr. Nick Harris, goes on to say, “Lyme
disease, in fact, might be the most insidious — and least understood —
infectious disease of our day. “If it weren’t for AIDS,” says Nick Harris,
Ph.D., President of IgeneX, Inc., a research and testing laboratory in Palo
Alto, California, “Lyme would be the number one infectious disease in the United
States and Western Europe.” www.mercola.com/2001/jul/25/lyme_disease.htm
Disease is now thought to be the fastest growing infectious disease in the
world. There are believed to be at least 200,000 new cases each year in the US
and some experts think that as many as one in every 15 Americans is currently
infected (20 million persons). www.digitalnaturopath.com/cond/C351537.html#H2
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