A flawed study claiming prevention of Lyme spirochete infection with topical
Two recent papers tested the effectiveness of topical
antibiotics in preventing Borrelia burgdorferi infection in mice following a
tick bite. Infection by the Lyme disease spirochete was successfully halted in
the Knauer et al. study from Germany1 but not in the Wormser et al. study
conducted in New York.2 However a flaw in the Knauer study may have unfairly
tipped the outcome in the antbiotic's favor. (I'll save the Wormser study for
another post.)
The paper by Knauer and colleagues1 presented two trials,
which differed in how the mice were inoculated with B. burgdorferi, In the first
trial the spirochetes were injected into the skin, and azithromycin was applied
topically one hour, three days, and five days later at the injection site. In
the second trial infected ticks transmitted the spirochetes to the mice.
Azithromycin was applied topically to the feeding site immediately after the
ticks stopped feeding. In both trials azithromycin was dissolved in ethanol for
application to the inoculation site. Disseminated infection of the mice was
assessed by culturing the heart, bladder, ear, and tarsus 56 days after
The results from the first trial reveals the problem with
the study (Table 1). Among the ten mice in the placebo group (first row), which
received only ethanol, only one (10%) had any culture positive organs 56 days
later. The spirochetes failed to establish a persistent infection in the other
nine mice, suggesting that the investigators were working with a weakened strain
of B. burgdorferi. The ethanol could have had a slight killing effect (see the
second trial) yet could not have accounted for the poor infection rate in the
placebo group.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
A flawed study claiming
prevention of Lyme spirochete infection with topical antibiotics
Two recent
papers tested the effectiveness of topical antibiotics in preventing Borrelia
burgdorferi infection in mice following a tick bite. Infection by the Lyme
disease spirochete was successfully halted in the Knauer et al. study from
Germany1 but not in the Wormser et al. study conducted in New York.2 However a
flaw in the Knauer study may have unfairly tipped the outcome in the antbiotic's
favor. (I'll save the Wormser study for another post.)
The paper by
Knauer and colleagues1 presented two trials, which differed in how the mice were
inoculated with B. burgdorferi, In the first trial the spirochetes were injected
into the skin, and azithromycin was applied topically one hour, three days, and
five days later at the injection site. In the second trial infected ticks
transmitted the spirochetes to the mice. Azithromycin was applied topically to
the feeding site immediately after the ticks stopped feeding. In both trials
azithromycin was dissolved in ethanol for application to the inoculation site.
Disseminated infection of the mice was assessed by culturing the heart, bladder,
ear, and tarsus 56 days after inoculation.
The results from the first
trial reveals the problem with the study (Table 1). Among the ten mice in the
placebo group (first row), which received only ethanol, only one (10%) had any
culture positive organs 56 days later. The spirochetes failed to establish a
persistent infection in the other nine mice, suggesting that the investigators
were working with a weakened strain of B. burgdorferi. The ethanol could have
had a slight killing effect (see the second trial) yet could not have accounted
for the poor infection rate in the placebo group.
The table
legend claims that the difference between the placebo and treatment groups was
significant, but the statistics were done on the numbers in the column labeled
"Infection Status." According to the text of the paper, a positive "Infection
Status" refers to those animals that managed to produce antibodies against B.
burgdorferi antigens. Infection status is therefore not the proper metric to
assess the infectivity of B. burgdorferi. When the statistics are performed with
the appropriate numbers, located in the column under "Culture," the effect of
azithromycin (1/10 culture positive in control group vs. 0/10 culture positive
in any treatment group) is not significant (P = 0.9 for control vs. any
treatment group).
Results from the second trial are shown in Table 2.
This trial included an extra control group ("No treatment") that received
neither antibiotic nor ethanol. Four of the seven mice in the untreated group
(57%) ended up culture positive. This is still a low infection rate compared to
the rates observed in other studies, in which 90-100% of the control animals end
up infected following tick inoculation of B. burgdorferi. Two of the nine mice
treated with ethanol alone (placebo) were culture positive, suggesting that
ethanol alone helps prevent infection (57% culture positive in "no treatment"
group vs. 22% in placebo group, P = 0.152), although the experiment would need
to be repeated with larger groups of animals to make a statistically convincing
None of the animals treated with azithromycin were culture
positive. However the number of animals was again too low to conclude that
antibiotic treatment was effective (2/9 culture positive in placebo group vs.
0/9, 0/8, and 0/5 in the treatment groups, P > 0.4 for comparison of each
treatment group with placebo group). The authors were able to claim statistical
significance by combining the two control groups (no treatment and placebo) and
the treatment groups. However it is inappropriate to combine groups in this
manner to attain statistical significance.
Even if the investigators had
used a larger number of animals, the problem of their weakened challenge strain
remains. Application of topical antibiotics may turn out to be effective in
preventing Lyme disease after a tick bite, but the study presented by Knauer and
colleagues was not a fair test of this treatment approach.
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