Gulf War Syndrome or Gulf War Illness has been used to describe a collection of
chronic signs and symptoms reported by U.S., British, Canadian, Czech, Danish,
Saudi, Egyptian, Australian and other Coalition Armed Forces that were deployed
to Operation Desert Storm in 1991. Over 100,000 American veterans of Desert
Storm /Desert Shield (approximately 15% of deployed U. S. Armed Forces) returned
from the Persian Gulf and slowly (6-24 months or more) and presented with a
variety of complex signs and symptoms characterized by disabling fatigue,
intermittent fevers, night sweats, arthralgia, myalgia, impairments in
short-term memory, headaches, skin rashes, intermittent diarrhea, abdominal
bloating, chronic bronchitis, photophobia, confusion, transient visual
scotomata, irritability and depression and other signs and symptoms that until
recently have defied appropriate diagnoses (see publications). These symptoms
are not localized to any one organ, and the signs and symptoms and routine
laboratory test results are not consistent with a single, specific
Although there is not yet a case definition for Gulf War
Illness, the chronic signs and symptoms loosely fit the clinical criteria for
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and/or Fibromyalgia Syndrome. Some patients have
additionally what appears to be neurotoxicity and brainstem dysfunction that can
result in autonomic, cranial and peripheral nerve demyelination, possibly due to
complex chemical exposures. Often these patients have been diagnosed with
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome (MCS) or Organophosphate-Induced Delayed
Neurotoxicity (OPIDN). Chemically exposed patients can be treated by removal of
offending chemicals from the patient's environment, depletion of chemicals from
the patient's system and treatment of the neurotoxic signs and symptoms caused
by chemical exposure(s). A rather large subset (~40%) of GWI patients have
transmittible infections, including mycoplasmal and possibly other chronic
bacterial infections, that have resulted in the appearance of GWI in immediate
family members and civilians in the Gulf region. It is likely that veterans of
the Gulf War who are ill with GWI owe their illnesses to a variety of exposures:
(a) chemical mixtures, primarily organophosphates, antinerve agents and possibly
nerve agents, (b) radiological sources, primarily depleted uranium and possibly
fallout from destroyed nuclear reactors, and (c) biological sources, primarily
bacteria, viruses and toxins, before, during and after the conflict. Such
exposures can result in poorly defined chronic illnesses, but these illnesses
can be treated if appropriate diagnoses are forthcoming.
Studies on Gulf
War Illnesses: Chronic Infections
Identification of Mycoplasmal
Infections in Gulf War Illness Patients and their Family
Scientists at The Institute for Molecular Medicine have found
that slightly under one-half of the very sick Gulf War Illness patients in a
pilot study with the signs and symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or
Fibromyalgia Syndrome have chronic invasive infections involving certain
uncommon mycoplasmas, such as Mycoplasma fermentans. This has now been confirmed
in a large Department of Defense - Department of Veterans' Affairs clinical
trial. Staff at The Institute for Molecular Medicine have recommended that these
infections can be successfully treated with certain antibiotics, allowing the
recovery of patients who have been long-term disabled. Similarly, in ongoing
preliminary studies on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibomyalgia patients, we
have found that a subset of patients have mycoplasmal infections that can be
successfully treated with antibiotics, allowing patients to recover from their
These chronic bacterial infections can spread to immediate
family members. In a recent study we found that spouses of veterans with Gulf
War Illness and chronic infections, such as M. fermentans, were at high risk for
the infection. We also found that the children (aged 2-11 years) of Gulf War
veterans with Gulf War Illness and a positive test for mycoplasmal infection
(mostly M. fermentans) often were diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorders
(ASD). Upon examination of the ASD patients we found that over 80% had the same
infection as their veteran parent. The onset of ASD (after the veteran returned
from service) and the presence of the same infection suggested transmission of
the infection and its involvement in ASD.
Identification of Other
Infections in Gulf War Illness Patients:
The Institute for Molecular
Medicine has been engaged in examining the blood of Gulf War Illness, Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome, and Fibromyalgia patients for chronic infections that could
explain their clinical conditions. In preliminary research we have found that
some patients have microorganism infections, such as those caused by Brucella
species, Y. pestis or other bacteria. This line of investigation is now being
actively pursued at the Institute
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