The genus Bartonella comprises at least 26 species or subspecies of
vector-transmitted bacteria, each of which has evolved to cause chronic
bacteremia in >1 mammalian reservoir hosts (1–4). Among these, bartonellae of
14 species or subspecies have been implicated in zoonotic diseases (5,6),
including cat-scratch disease, which is caused by B. henselae transmission
during a cat bite or scratch and characterized by acute onset of self-limiting
fever and regional lymphadenopathy (7–9). Recent observations, however, are
causing a paradigm shift from the assumption that infection with a Bartonella
sp. consistently induces an acute, self-limiting illness to the realization that
subsets of infected, immunocompetent patients can become chronically bacteremic
After B. henselae was confirmed as the primary cause of
cat-scratch disease in the early 1990s, several reports described an association
between the newly identified bacterium and rheumatic disease manifestations,
variously described as rheumatoid, reactive, or chronic progressive
polyarthritis (16–20). One study, however, failed to isolate B. henselae from
synovial fluid of 20 patients with chronic arthritis (21). Because epidemiologic
evidence supports an association between rheumatic symptoms and cat-scratch
disease and because arthritis is a primary disease manifestation of Borellia
burgdorferi infection (Lyme disease), we explored whether antibodies against and
bacteremia with Bartonella spp. can be detected in patients examined for
arthropathy or chronic myalgia. Our primary objective was to determine the
serologic and molecular prevalence of Bartonella spp. bacteremia in patients
referred to a clinical rheumatologist. We also compared self-reported symptoms,
health history, and demographic factors with Bartonella spp. bacteremia as
determined by an enrichment blood culture platform combined with PCR
amplification and DNA sequencing, when possible, to determine the Bartonella
species and strain. This study was conducted in conjunction with North Carolina
State University Institutional Review Board approval (IRB#
Materials and Methods
Study Population
For this
cross-sectional study, we enrolled only patients examined by a rheumatologist in
the Maryland–Washington, DC, USA, area from August 25, 2008, through April 1,
2009. Because Bartonella spp. are known to primarily infect cells within the
vascular system, including erythrocytes, endothelial cells, and potentially
circulating and tissue macrophages (1,5,6), selection was biased by patients who
had historical, physical examination, or laboratory evidence of small vessel
disease, including a subset of patients with a prior diagnosis of Lyme disease
or chronic post–Lyme syndrome. We also included patients with chronic joint
pain, prior documentation of synovial vascular inflammation, or a diagnosis of
rheumatoid arthritis.
A standardized 5-page questionnaire was mailed to
each participant for self-report. The questionnaire collected information about
demographics, animal/arthropod exposure, history of visiting a medical
specialist, outdoor activity, self-reported clinical symptoms, and concurrent
conditions. Questionnaires were returned to the Intracelluar Pathogens Research
Laboratory at North Carolina State University, College of Veterinary Medicine,
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, where results were entered into an electronic
Sample Collection
From each patient, the attending
rheumatologist aseptically obtained anticoagulated blood samples (in EDTA tubes)
and serum samples and shipped them overnight to the laboratory. Patient
variations included timing of sample collection relative to onset of illness,
duration of illness, current illness severity, and prior or recent use of
antimicrobial drugs. The samples were then processed in a limited-access
Sample Processing
Immunofluorescence Antibody Assay
determine the antibody titer to each Bartonella species or subspecies, we used
B. henselae, B. koehlerae, and B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii (genotypes I, II,
and III) antigens in a traditional immunofluorescence antibody (IFA) assay with
fluorescein conjugated goat anti-human IgG (Pierce Antibody; Thermo Fisher
Scientific, Rockford, IL, USA) (10,12,22). To obtain intracellular whole
bacterial antigens for IFA testing, we passed isolates of B. henselae (strain
Houston-1, ATCC #49882); B. koehlerae (NCSU FO-1–09); and B. vinsonii subsp.
berkhoffii genotypes I (NCSU isolate 93-CO-1, ATCC #51672), II (NCSU isolate
95-CO-2), and III (NCSU isolate 06-CO1) from agar-grown cultures into
Bartonella-permissive tissue culture cell lines: AAE12 (an embryonic Amblyomma
americanum tick cell line) for B. henselae, DH82 (a canine monocytoid cell line)
for B. koehlerae, and Vero (a mammalian fibroblast cell line) for the B.
vinsonii genotypes. Heavily infected cell cultures were spotted onto 30-well
Teflon coated slides (Cel-Line; Thermo Fisher Scientific), air dried, acetone
fixed, frozen, and stored. Serum samples were diluted in a phosphate-buffered
saline solution containing normal goat serum, Tween-20, and powdered nonfat dry
milk to block nonspecific antigen binding sites and then incubated on antigen
slides. All available patient serum was screened at dilutions from 1:16 to 1:64.
Samples reactive at a 1:64 dilution were further tested with 2-fold dilutions to
1:8192. As in previous studies, we defined a seroreactive antibody response
against a specific Bartonella sp. antigen as a threshold titer of 64
Bartonella α Proteobacteria Growth Medium Enrichment
Each sample was tested by PCR amplification of Bartonella spp. DNA
before and after enrichment of blood and serum in Bartonella α Proteobacteria
growth medium (BAPGM) (10–14,23–26). The BAPGM platform incorporates 4 PCR
steps, representing independent components of the testing process for each
sample, as follows: step 1) PCR amplifications of Bartonella spp. after DNA
extraction from whole blood and serum; steps 2 and 3) PCR after whole blood
culture in BAPGM for 7 and 14 days; and step 4) PCR of DNA extracted from
subculture isolates (if obtained after subinoculation from the BAPGM flask at 7
and 14 days onto plates containing trypticase soy agar with 10% sheep whole
blood, which are incubated for 4 weeks). To avoid DNA carryover, we performed
PCR sample preparation, DNA extraction, and PCR amplification and analysis in 3
separate rooms with a unidirectional work flow. All samples were processed in a
biosafety cabinet with HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filtration in a
limited-access laboratory.
Methods used to amplify Bartonella DNA from
blood, serum, and BAPGM liquid culture and subculture samples included
conventional PCR with Bartonella genus primers targeting the 16S-23S intergenic
spacer region (ITS) and a second PCR with B. koehlerae ITS species-specific
primers, as described (13,25–29). Amplification of the B. koehlerae ITS region
was performed by using oligonucleotides Bkoehl-1s: 5′-CTT CTA AAA TAT CGC TTC
TAA G-3′ as forward and reverse primers, respectively. Amplification was
performed in a 25-µL final volume reaction containing 12.5 µL of Tak-Ex Premix
(Fisher Scientific), 0.1 µL of 100 µM of each forward and reverse primer (IDT;
DNA Technology, Coralville, IA, USA), 7.3 µL of molecular grade water, and 5 µL
of DNA from each sample tested.
Conventional PCR was performed in an
Eppendorf Mastercycler EPgradient (Hauppauge, NY, USA) under the following
conditions: 1 cycle at 95°C for 2 s, followed by 55 cycles with DNA denaturing
at 94°C for 15 s, annealing at 64°C for 15 s, and extension at 72°C for 18 s.
The PCR was completed by a final cycle at 72°C for 30 s. As previously described
for the Bartonella ITS genus and B. koehlerae–specific PCRs, all products were
analyzed by using 2% agarose gel electrophoresis and ethidium bromide under UV
light, after which amplicon products were submitted to a commercial laboratory
(Eton Bioscience Inc., Research Triangle Park, NC, USA) for DNA sequencing to
identify the species and ITS strain type (13,15,28,30).
To check for
potential contamination during processing, we simultaneously processed a
noninoculated BAPGM culture flask in the biosafety hood in an identical manner
for each batch of patient blood and serum samples tested. For PCR, negative
controls were prepared by using 5 µL of DNA from the blood of a healthy dog. All
controls remained negative throughout the course of the
Statistical Analysis
Descriptive statistics were obtained for
all demographic variables, self-reported clinical symptoms and concurrent
conditions, previous specialist consultation, and self-reported exposures. The
χ2 test was used to assess associations between self-reported clinical symptoms
and previous specialist consultation separately with PCR results for B.
henselae; B. koehlerae; and B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii genotypes I, II, and
III. The Fisher exact test was used when expected cell value was <5. For the
initial analysis, a liberal α value (α<0.10) was selected. The effect of each
significant variable on the outcome variables was adjusted in separate
multivariate logistic regression models controlling for age, sex, and health
status. The models were repeated for different possible outcomes: PCR results
for B. henselae or PCR results for B. koehlerae. Variables maintaining p<0.05
were considered significant. For some comparisons of potential interest, we were
unable to estimate associations with the outcome(s) of interest because of low
numbers (e.g., B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii genotypes I, II and III).
Statistical analyses were performed by using SAS/STAT for Windows version 9.2
(SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA).
Figure 1
Figure 1. . . Bartonella spp. PCR results
for the 15 most frequently reported previous diagnoses. OA, osteoarthritis; RA,
rheumatoid arthritis.
The age range of the 296 patients was 3–90 years;
median ages were 46 years for women and 36 years for men (Table 1). Women made
up ≈70% of the study population. Most (68.2%) patients reported that they felt
ill, whether chronically or infrequently, and 27.7% considered themselves to be
generally healthy. The most common animal exposure reported was dog (n = 252;
85.1%), followed by cat (n = 202; 68.2%) and horse (n = 86; 29.0%). Most
patients reported having been bitten or scratched by an animal (n = 202; 68.2%)
or exposed to ticks (n = 229; 77.4%) and biting flies (n = 160; 54.0%). Hiking
was the predominant outdoor activity reported (52.0%). Most (273 [92.2%])
patients reported having had a condition diagnosed before visiting the
rheumatologist. Previously diagnosed conditions included Lyme disease (46.6%),
arthralgia/arthritis or osteoarthritis/rheumatoid arthritis (20.6%), chronic
fatigue (19.6%), and fibromyalgia (6.1%) (Figure 1).
Serologic and BAPGM
Figure 2
Figure 2. . . Bartonella PCR amplification
results from blood, serum, and enrichment blood culture with the Bartonella α
Proteobacteria growth medium. Of 296 patients, 120 had positive PCR results in 1
Of the 296 patients, 185 (62.5%) were seroreactive to >1
Bartonella sp. antigens and 122 (41.1%) were infected with B. henselae, B.
koehlerae, B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii, or Bartonella spp. Of the 122 patients
with Bartonella spp. infection, PCR results were positive but DNA sequencing was
unsuccessful or did not enable species identification for 29 (23.7%). After
subculture, 6 isolates were obtained from 5 samples: 3 B. henselae isolates, 2
B. koehlerae isolates, and 1 Bartonella sp. isolate that was not fully
characterized. Of the Bartonella-infected patients, 120 (98.4%) had a positive
PCR result after DNA extraction from blood, serum, or enrichment culture (Figure
2), and 2 (1.6%) had a positive PCR result only after subculture
For B. henselae, 67 (22.6%) patients were seroreactive and 40
(13.5%) had positive PCR results. Of these 40 patients, only 7 (17.5%) were
concurrently B. henselae seroreactive, whereas 33 (82.5%) patients who had a
positive PCR result were not seroreactive to B. henselae antigens. There was no
association between B. henselae antibodies and bacteremia (p = 0.37).
B. koehlerae, 89 (30.1%) patients were seroreactive and 54 (18.2%) had positive
PCR results. Of these 54 patients, 24 (44.4%) were seroreactive to B. koehlerae
by IFA assay, whereas 29 (53.6%) were not seroreactive to B. koehlerae antigens.
One patient with a positive B. koehlerae PCR result did not have a concurrent
IFA test result (serum not submitted). There was an association between B.
koehlerae seroreactivity and bacteremia (p = 0.008); seroreactive patients were
more likely to be infected (odds ratio [OR] 2.25 [1.22–4.15]).
For B.
vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii, 148 (50.0%) patients were seroreactive by IFA
testing to at least 1 of 3 genotypes, and 10 (3.4%) had a positive PCR. Of these
10 patients, 3 were infected with genotype I, 6 were infected with genotype II,
and for 1 patient the genotype could not be defined on the basis of readable DNA
sequence. Seroreactivity to genotypes I, II, and III was found for 77 (26.0%),
102 (34.5%), and 82 (27.7%) patients, respectively. There was no association
between B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii seroreactivity and bacteremia. Combined
PCR and IFA assay results are summarized in Table 2. Of the patients with a
positive PCR, 65% reported a prior diagnosis of Lyme disease (n = 138),
bartonellosis (n = 29), or babesiosis (n = 14). Among the 138 patients with a
prior diagnosis of Lyme disease, the prevalence of Bartonella spp. antibodies
and bacteremia were 93 (67.4%) and 57 (41.3%), respectively.
Associated with Bartonella spp.
PCRs indicated the following: B. henselae
positivity was associated (p<0.05) with blurred vision and numbness (Table
3), patients who had visited a neurologist were more likely than those who had
not to be B. henselae positive, older median age was significantly associated
with B. koehlerae positivity, and patients who reported paralysis were more
likely to be positive for B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii. No associations were
found for self-reported exposures (e.g., insect or animal exposure) and positive
PCR for B. henselae, B. koehlerae, or B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii. No
associations were found for B. henselae, B koehlerae, or B vinsonii subsp.
berkhoffii positivity and seroreactivity.
Logistic Regression
To identify factors associated with PCR positivity for B. henselae
or B. koehlerae, we adjusted the models for 3 biological confounders: age, sex,
and health status (Table 4). We identified the following factors as associated
with B. henselae–positive PCR result: blurred vision (adjusted OR [aOR] 2.37,
95% CI 1.13–4.98), numbness (aOR 2.74, 95% CI 1.26–5.96), and previous
consultation with a neurologist (aOR 2.76, 95% CI 1.33–5.73). No self-reported
symptoms were significantly associated with PCR positivity for B. koehlerae.
However, patients who had visited an infectious disease physician were more
likely to have a. B. koehlerae–positive PCR result (aOR 1.98, 95% CI
We identified unexpectedly high serologic and
molecular prevalence for B. henselae, B. koehlerae, and B. vinsonii subsp.
berkhoffii in patients who had been examined by a rheumatologist, of whom more
than half reported a prior diagnosis of Lyme disease, bartonellosis, or
babesiosis. However, the diagnostic criterion upon which these infections were
based was not available for review because all prior diagnoses were
self-reported. Overall, 185 (62.5%) of 296 patients had antibodies to B.
henselae, B. koehlerae, or B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii, and 122 (41.1%) were
positive for Bartonella spp. according to PCR. In most instances, DNA sequencing
of the amplified product facilitated identification of the infecting species.
The prevalence of antibodies against Bartonella spp. (93 [67.4%]) and bacteremia
[57 [1.3%]) among 138 patients with a prior diagnosis of Lyme disease did not
differ from that of the overall study population. Because our analysis was
restricted to patients selected by a rheumatologist practicing in a Lyme
disease–endemic region, extrapolations to other regions or other rheumatology
practices might not be applicable. Also, because the survey was
self-administered, objective confirmation of symptoms, conditions, and diagnoses
was not always possible; therefore, responses might have been subject to
respondent bias. Similarly, because responses associated with symptoms,
conditions, and exposures might have occurred over a protracted time, survey
responses might also be subject to recall bias.
Despite these study
limitations, B. henselae infections seemed to be more common in patients who
reported blurred vision, numbness in the extremities, and previous consultation
with a neurologist before referral to the rheumatologist. In a case series of 14
patients, the following were reported by 50% of patients infected with a
Bartonella species, specifically B. henselae, B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii, or
both: memory loss, numbness or a loss of sensation, balance problems, and
headaches (10). Another 6 B. henselae–bacteremic patients reported seizures,
ataxia, memory loss, and/or tremors; 1 of these patients was co-infected with B.
vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii, and another was positive for B. henselae by PCR
after enrichment of cerebrospinal fluid in BAPGM (23). An enrichment culture
approach also identified an association between intravascular infection with B.
vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii genotype II and B. henselae and neurologic symptoms
in a veterinarian and his daughter (12). Symptoms in the father included
progressive weight loss, muscle weakness, and lack of coordination; symptoms in
the daughter were headaches, muscle pain, and insomnia. For each patient, after
repeated courses of antimicrobial drugs, blood cultures became negative,
antibody titers decreased to nondetectable levels, and all neurologic symptoms
Although no symptoms were statistically associated with B.
koehlerae infection, patients infected with B. koehlerae were more likely to
have previously consulted an infectious disease physician. Of the 54 B.
koehlerae patients with a positive PCR result, 54% reported a prior diagnosis of
Lyme disease (n = 25), bartonellosis (n = 3), or babesiosis (n = 1). Fatigue,
insomnia, memory loss, and joint and muscle pain were frequent complaints among
those with a positive PCR result for B. koehlerae, but these symptoms did not
differ in frequency from those in patients with negative PCR. Similar symptoms
were previously reported in a small case series involving B.
koehlerae–bacteremic patients (13). Peripheral visual deficits, sensory loss,
and hallucinations resolved in a young woman after antimicrobial drug treatment
for B. koehlerae infection (30). Because of the small number of patients with
positive PCR results for B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii, we restricted the
multivariate analysis to those with positive results for B. henselae and B.
koehlerae. Because limited sample size affected our ability to conduct
multivariate analysis to control for potential confounders for B. vinsonii
subsp. berkhoffii positivity, the χ2 associations with B. vinsonii subsp.
berkhoffii positivity should be interpreted with caution.
Although the
pathogenic relevance of the high Bartonella spp. seroprevalence and bacteremia
in this patient population are unclear, these results justify additional
prospective studies involving more narrowly defined patient and control
populations. Of the 92 patients infected with B. koehlerae, B. henselae, or B.
vinsonii subsp. berkhoffi, 69 (75%) had at least 1 discordant IFA assay result
for Bartonella spp. antigen seroreactivity and only 34 (30.6%) had a concordant
species-specific PCR and IFA result. Also, consistent with previous study
findings (15), the PCRs depicted in Figure 2 illustrate an increased likelihood
of positivity if blood, serum, and enrichment blood cultures are independently
tested. According to these and previous results (7,18,31,32), a subset of
Bartonella spp.–bacteremic patients could be anergic and might not produce a
detectable IFA response, or alternatively, the substantial antigenic variation
among various Bartonella strains might result in false-negative IFA assay
results for some patients. In a study on Bartonella serology conducted by the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, IFA cross-reactivity among
Bartonella species occurred in 94% of patients with suspected cat-scratch
disease (33). Despite the lack of concordance between serologic results and
BAPGM enrichment PCR results, most (185 [62.5%]) patients in our study were
seroreactive to Bartonella spp., suggesting prior exposure to >1 Bartonella
spp. Because serologic cross-reactivity to Chlamydia spp. and Coxiella burnettii
antigens has been reported, exposure to these or other organisms might have
contributed to the high seroprevalence. In a previous study involving 32 healthy
volunteers and patients at high risk for Bartonella spp. bacteremia,
seroprevalence rates for B. henselae, B. koehlerae and B. vinsonii subsp.
berkhoffii genotypes I and II were 3.1%, 0%, 0,%, and 50%, respectively, for the
healthy population compared with 15.6%, 9.2%, 19.8%, and 28.1%, respectively,
for the high-risk population (15). Although in that study and the study reported
here, the same test antigens and identical IFA assays were used and the same
research technologist interpreted the results, the overall seroprevalence in the
study reported here was higher than that among high-risk patients with extensive
arthropod or animal contact (49.5%) and differed substantially from serologic
results from healthy volunteers (15). However, in the study reported here, a
large portion of the population (34.5%) was also seroreactive to B. vinsonii
berkhoffii genotype II. Immunophenotypic properties giving rise to
seroreactivity to this particular antigen among healthy control and patient
populations have not been clarified but could be related to polyclonal B-cell
activation, commonly found in patients with rheumatologic or chronic
inflammatory diseases.
It is becoming increasingly clear that no single
diagnostic strategy will confirm infection with a Bartonella sp. in
immunocompetent patients. Before the current study, we primarily used BAPGM
enrichment blood cultures and PCR to test symptomatic veterinarians, veterinary
technicians, and wildlife biologists, who seem to be at occupational risk for
Bartonella sp. bacteremia because of animal contact and frequent arthropod
exposure (10–15,23). Cats are the primary reservoir hosts for B. henselae and B.
koehlerae, whereas canids, including dogs, coyotes and foxes, are the primary
reservoir hosts for B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii (4,6,29,34). Although
infrequent when compared with cat transmission of B. henselae resulting in
classical cat-scratch disease, dogs have been implicated in the transmission of
B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii and B. henselae to humans (35,36). The predominant
symptoms reported among occupationally at-risk patient populations have included
severe fatigue, neurologic and neurocognitive abnormalities, arthralgia, and
myalgia (10–13,23). In the study reported here, dog (85%) and cat (68%) contact
were reported by most respondents; however, no associations were found between
infection with a Bartonella sp. and contact with a specific animal. Similarly,
exposure to mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, and biting flies were all reported by
>50% of the study population. The results of this study support documentation
of Bartonella spp. bacteremia in patients seen by a rheumatologist in a Lyme
disease–endemic area and provides the basis for future studies to ascertain the
prevalence of Bartonella spp. in patients with rheumatic and neurologic
Dr Maggi is a research assistant professor in the Department of
Clinical Sciences at North Carolina State University College of Veterinary
Medicine. His research has focused on the development of novel or improved
molecular diagnostic and culture methods for detection of Bartonella spp.
infections in animals and humans.
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