Careful investigation supports the theory that the epidemic of ignorance and
corresponding lack of treatment has been perpetuated by the CDC as part of Phase
II of the deadly Tuskegee Experiment.
Even worse, Phase II is
being carried out by the CDC with the aid of its secretive biological warfare
group. Where the Phase I experiment denied isolated patients from seeing
non-CDC-approved doctors,[i] Phase II involves preventing doctors from treating
patients (or even providing an accurate diagnosis--recall the Tuskegee diagnosis
of syphilis as “bad blood”[ii]) outside of CDC-approved guidelines published by
a medical society known as the IDSA (Infectious Disease Society of America), on
an international basis.
The CDC’s own history of the Tuskegee
Experiment describes how the CDC worked with prominent medical societies to gain
support for the multi-decade experiment in medical malpractice:
“1969 CDC reaffirms need for study and gains local medical
societies' support (AMA and NMA chapters officially support continuation of
So the national agency that was supposed to be
protecting the public from a deadly disease was actually in favor of letting it
go untreated for experimental reasons and worked with prestigious medical
societies to that end!
Tuskegee Phase II is being conducted in a
similar manner, including the direct assistance of prominent medical societies
through IDSA treatment guidelines[iii] enforced by CDC insiders, who are
regularly found to be on the payroll of the pharmaceuticals and insurance
industries--both of which can profit enormously[iv] [v] by not treating the many
symptoms[vi] caused by the disease.
“One way drug
companies have marketed their products is by funding the implementation of
--Civil Action No. 08 CA 11318
The CDC has used the non-specificity of Lyme symptoms
(except for those fortunate enough to manifest the Bull’s Eye rash at the onset
of infection[vii]) as an excuse to mislabel the disease and thereby prevent
effective diagnosis and treatment.[viii] [ix] As Dr. Brian Fallon
“Incorrectly labeling these patients as having a
functional illness, such as depression, hypochondriasis or a somatization
disorder, may result in a delay in the initiation of antibiotic treatment. Such
delay may lead to further dissemination of the infection, and in some cases
severe disability and possibly chronic neurologic damage.”
further dissemination of symptoms is highly profitable for pharmaceutical
companies, while treating the root cause of the disease with off-patent
antibiotics is not.[x]
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