There are an extraordinary number of citizens being diagnosed with
Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, ALS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Alzheimers,
Bipolar Depression, Fibromyalgia, Parkinson's...and the list goes on.
I do not believe that this epidemic of diseases is naturally occurring.
More and more disease labels are being invented for conditions that may be
variations of only several causes. Each person may present with a
slightly different symptom complex according to genetic factors, past
bodily insults, or what coinfections one may harbor. Many
independent researchers feel that these so called separate diseases, have
common infectious causes.
"Infections are often
misdiagnosed or not even sought - and because of this, infections often
are either untreated or are inappropriately treated."
Prof. G.H. Cassell 37th ICAAC, Toronto, 1997 JAMA 1997;
278:2051- 2052
Dr. Garth Nicolson, President of The Institute for Molecular Medicine,
and Joyce Riley of The American Gulf War Veterans Assoc., among others,
feel that Gulf War Illness is spreading to the general public and is
being divided up into separate disease labels such as those listed above.
Many patients with these disease labels are sending their blood to be
tested at The Institute for Molecular Medicine and The Bowen Lab, are
finding they are infected with mycoplasma and or the Lyme Disease
organism. The Bowen Lab specializes in testing for the cyst form of
the Lyme organism and for Erlichiosis and Babesiosis (other tick-borne
infections). Mycoplasma and the cyst form of the Lyme spirochete are being
found in much of the chronic illness population. Mycoplasma
Fermentens Incognitus, one of the most common strains being isolated, is
patented by the U.S. Army and Army pathologist Dr. Lo.
Lo,Shyh-Ching-Pathogenic mycoplasma - U.S. Patent 5,242,820 issued Sept.7
"Now if Saddam Hussein had wanted to kill our soldiers, he would have
just outright killed them with mustard or cyanide, right?" reasons Captain
Joyce Riley. That wasn't the plan," she continues. "The plan was to
give a country a disease that they would bring back to their families.
What better way to give a country a disease than to give it to the
military, who move all over the country.?"
Unfortunately, the amount of media coverage needed to raise enough
awareness to start curbing this illness is no where to be found.
"You don't hear about this on the evening news," said Captain Riley.
"You are not being told about this. Dan Rather doesn't tell you
about it, does he? No. And so you think that if it isn't on the nightly
news it must not be true, right? If a tree falls in the forest and Dan
Rather doesn't cover it, does it still make a noise? Think about
It doesn't take too much thinking to realize why the government and
press remains hush-hush about Gulf War Illness. If for no other
reasons, the U.S.
Government, namely the Department of Defense, wants to minimize public
awareness regarding this issue, to cover the fact that The United States
sold to Iraq, before and during the war, many of the biological and
chemical agents that were used against our troops.
Gulf War Illness ( mycoplasma ) is known to be treatable with
antibiotics. The Army even published a paper to this effect. Ask
yourself, why then is the government preventing Gulf War Veterans from
being treated? They are even denying that biologicals play a role in
GWI. The Army's mycoplasma patent clearly states that " mycoplasma
fermentens incognitus will be found in patients who have been diagnosed
as having AIDS or ARC, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Kibuchi's Disease,
autoimmune diseases such as Collagen Vascular Disease and Lupus and
chronic debilitating diseases such as Alzheimer's Disease."
In other words the Army knows what segments of the population are
infected with this pathogen and they know antibiotics are an effective
treatment. I asked a Red Cross pathologist if the government advised
the Red Cross to screen the blood supply for this pathogenic organism. He
turned bright red and told me that no, they were not told to screen the
blood supply for this organism. What is the real reason why the mycoplasma
and lyme epidemics are being covered up? Is there a connection
between the lyme spirochete and mycoplasma fermentens? The cyst form
of lyme looks like a mycoplasma. There is a possibility that genetic
engineering is playing a role here. Parts of one organism can now be
isolated and inserted into other organisms. This could be one
explanation for so many emerging diseases with such similar sets of
symptoms. Designer diseases have come into vogue. This
tampering with nature makes diagnoses and treatment much more difficult,
which many times is the desired goal, especially for biowarfare purposes.
I just want to add that it is legal to test biological and chemical agents
on the American public without their knowledge or consent ( U.S. CODE,
Sec. 50 ).
I would like to list here just some of the symptoms common to Lyme
Disease,Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, and
mycoplasma infection ( Gulf War Illness).
Insomnia, vision changes, headaches, shakes, chills, fevers, numbness,
burning, tingling, electric shock feelings, neck pain, muscle and joint
pain, jerking and twitching of limbs and muscles, restless leg syndrome,
spasms, cramps, fatigue, eye problems, muscle weakness, balance problems,
abnormal anxiety and depression, acid reflux, etc. For more
extensive lists of symptoms caused by mycoplasma and Lyme disease, please
, and
It is very important to note that any one person will not have every
single symptom. Everyone's symptoms differ in intensity, the number
of symptoms you have and what organ systems are affected. This often
determines the diagnoses people end up with. It's crucial to be able
to recognize the same general symptom complex which is common to these
illnesses. This commonality suggests a similar infectious
cause....especially when antibiotics are effective.....especially when
identical antibiotics are effective....such as in Lyme and GWI. I've
mentioned in previous articles that most of these chronic diseases
supposedly have no known definitive tests, causes or cures....only
symptomatic treatments. How convenient and profitable!
We must not blindly accept the claims of the huge corporate charity
organizations. We are constantly being told that we need to donate
more and more money to various charities so they can find causes and cures
for all these diseases. If anyone knows of significant causes or
cures that have been discovered lately, maybe they could share them with
me. I can't seem to think of any. In fact, it appears that
many times, what may be true causes for M.S. and other diseases, are being
intentionally covered up. If we are going to donate money to these
large charity organizations, then we need to be involved. We need to
demand that specific organisms be looked at in relation to Multiple
Sclerosis and other disease labels. If these organizations do not
respond then we need to withdraw our support and encourage others to do
the same. We should be supporting private researchers of our
choice....but in order to do that responsibly, it would be wise to do a
little research on our own so that we can determine which researchers have
honest and caring motives. Believe me, they are out there!
Charity organizations bring in millions and millions of dollars each
Do we know where any of it really goes? Just think about
it....keeping people sick can be very lucrative. Some charity
organizations have been instrumental in intimidating and or closing down
certain private labs which were discovering treatable causes for specific
diseases. We must also ask ourselves why so many microbiologists
have recently died so mysteriously.
The main message here is that we need to start playing a larger role in
our own health care. Investigate and don't believe everything you
are told by government health agencies or charity organizations. One
of the biggest problems is that many doctors are controlled by
corporations and do believe what they are told. How can we expect
doctors to treat us effectively when perhaps they have been given the
wrong basic information to begin with?
Only a couple of labs currently test for mycoplasma fermentens.
Most antibody tests for lyme are very inaccurate. Those labs which
are finding these organisms in much of the population, are being harassed,
intimidated and shut down...under false pretenses. Does this sound right
to you?
Last but not least, we need to stand up for our veterans. Many
are sick and dying. They are being intentionally ignored by our
government. Why would a government intentionally weaken their military by
forcing vaccines that are known to be experimental and contaminated,
selling biologicals to a country that is supposedly a potential enemy, and
then not treating the sick veterans when the U.S. Army knows very well
what they are infected with. I can only come to the conclusion that our
country is being weakened from within and that it is intentional.
I'd like to share a quote by Matt Tietjen from the "Spare Change"
newspaper in Boston....."Let us refrain from engaging in the sort of blind
patriotism that only romanticizes involvement in the military, encouraging
today's youth to enlist and become vulnerable to the same circumstances
that have devastated the lives of many veterans. The United States
of America is a great country in many ways, and this is because of the
sacrifices made by it's citizens for more than two centuries. In
this light, the non treatment of Gulf War Veterans is a criminal offense
on the part of the government. Unless our previous generations died in
vain, we live in a democracy. This makes the government accountable
to us; it's not the other way around. We should show our patriotism
this year by not only respecting our veteran's service but also their
right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. When these rights are
taken away from those who once fought for us, true patriotism can only be
exercised with an American flag waving freely in one hand and a protest
sign lodged firmly in the other."
Real patriotism requires that we stand up and demand curative treatment
for our sick and dying veterans. Anyone can wave a flag and sing a
patriotic song.
Gulf War Illness is not a psychiatric disease caused by stress.
Does the government really expect us to believe that stress caused all the
birth defects in children born to Veterans? Or that stress caused
their doctors to become ill from treating Veterans? What about all
the family members who also came down with Gulf War Illness? Now it
appears to be running rampant through the general population. It's
rather sad that we had to reach this state of affairs before standing up
for what's right. It's time to take a good look at what going on and
change our priorities. Let's hope it's not too late.
For mycoplasma testing - - Also lots of info,
in general, concerning how mycoplasma relates to different diseases.
For accurate Lyme Disease testing, I feel that is a good place to
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