Monday, 10 December 2012
Fears & Phobias
Hello all,
I wrote about my panic attacks in the previous post :
I realised I did not write about my fears that I used to suffer from I thought to help others if I wrote about what fears I used to have it may just help others.and to see you are not on your own and you are not going crazy!
When the panic attacks started I would fear:
The end of the world
The dark
being on my own
Map reading
Opening any mail (Yeah I know paying bills nobody likes) for me my heart would race I would have uncontrollable sweating.
I became almost agoraphobic and found it extremely hard to leave the house.
New places
Loud Noises i.e fireworks
Any new experiences
Anything I did not within my usual day to day living.My brain just could not cope with that it would be like I would have a complete and utter breakdown so to speak.
People being aggressive.(I would just totally not be able to cope and I would sweat profusely)
Now before the panic attacks all of the above were never a problem for me then the panic attacks started and my fears and phobias started.
I am sure there were more than the ones I have listed I just can't remember them all.
Now I am treating the Infection I do not suffer from the above fears and phobias thank goodness.
Lyme Girlx
**Always consult a LLMD (Lyme Literate Doctor) or your own health care professional.**
Copyright 2012-2013 LymeGirl all rights reserved.
The Panic Attacks & Lyme are you crazy?
Hello all,
Panic Attacks are probably one of the scariest experiences one goes through when you have a Spirochete infection it's really awful!
One can feel like the panic will never subside and you can't breath.
I have suffered from the panic and I managed to find a brown paper bag to breath into to calm my breathing down. I would be crying and I would not be able to function properly my brain just stopped working as it were all I could feel was sheer panic.
The First
The first panic attack I had I was driving my car, I had to pull over and park.I was all on my own luckily, I say luckily because I would not want my children to witness their mother loosing it.
I had no explanation of why I was experiencing the Panic Attack.
What also came with the panic attack was a racing pulse, I could hear the thud thud of my heart in my head!
I felt this terrible feeling of impending doom like the world was going to end there and then.
Then the sweating started and sweat was dripping and the back of my neck and hair were sodden!
And so it went on...
From that day onwards the panic attack turned into many gosh anything would set it off yes anything!
I really thought i was going crazy, I thought that's it I am going to have to admit myself into hospital or start taking antidepressants or Valium!.
These panic attacks were unexplainable because we had just bought our new house and everything was very exciting I was happy to have our new house a home we could call our own.
The house was in a nice area my husband at the time had just got a new well paid job my children had made new friends and were excited about being able to decorate their new rooms, we were able to get some pets.
Little were my husband I to know that we had the Spirochete infection, yes we knew I had been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis we were just coping with that on a day to day basis trying to live as normal life as possible.
Yes we were all very happy with our lives.
Then the panic attacks started with me, how could this be? nothing traumatic had happened I was happy.
The panic attacks got so bad I was finding it hard to lead a normal life.
Driving was out of the question I became confused, it was like I was suffering from amnesia sometimes.
My mind was just go blank I would not be able to remember my own date of birth even.
I suffered from chills just before the panic attacks, my chest would feel so tight like someone was standing on my lungs no not someone an elephant!
While all this was going on with me my husband started to develop breathing problems now he had been diagnosed years ago with asthma but this was not asthma.
He was coughing up liquid.
He went to the doctor who surprise surprise found nothing wrong with him!
I thought maybe there was something wrong with the house or the land or something else maybe the cats we had?
Long story short.....
Well my husband and i have divorced now and the children and I are living in another house now.
My panic attacks left as quickly as they came after I had suffered them for about 2 years.
Although feelings of fear were still with me and feelings of impending doom yes they never left but I did not get the full blown panic attacks.I suppose like all the symptoms I just learnt to live with them it was not nice.
I was able to start driving again and I was able to start to live a normal life again.
Now I have found out about Spirochete infection and extensively researched it we can defiantly say Lyme/Spirochete infection was the cause of all those panic attacks.
Now I have started treatment those feelings of impending doom and the fear have totally gone.
I now finally can actually relax and I feel safe and calm all of the time.
The flight or fight response has now righted itself in me and I suppose I am now more of a normal human being.
So if you are feeling like you are going crazy because of panic attacks you are not it is more than likely a Spirochete infection and if you have not done so already get yourself tested.
If you are reading this and you already know you have a Spirochete infection realise panic attacks are a symptom of the infection you are not crazy.
**Always consult a LLMD (Lyme Literate Doctor) or your own health care professional.**
Copyright 2012-2013 LymeGirl all rights reserved.
The Neck attack and Lyme!
As I said
before the same old symptoms pop up and make their presence known and I thought
the day things seem to be a bit quite again I am feeling good but I spoke too
soon My neck started to hurt and this took me back to when I was 17 years old.
Back in time
Lets go
back to that time.
I was studying at collage I had chosen to study a Hotel and
Catering Management course a BTEC which is equivalent to 2 A levels.
Considering I was suffering from Lyme (Unknown to the doctors, my parents and
It is actually quite surprising I passed my GCSE's really as from the
time of the bite age 9.
My I.Q had dropped, my reading age had dropped and my
maths age had dropped quite dramatically.
So for me to actually revise and
study for any type of exam and pass is quite a feat!
I think every one else felt the same, as no one knew about Lyme or Spirochete infection from their point of view and the evidence,
I was a child who had learning problems. or I was
an attention seeker or just plain lazy!
teachers had given up on me no, basically everyone had saying things like:
"She'll never amount to anything" or "she is just not focused, a
bit of a ditherer".
Real nice hey.
17 years old
Well I
did pass all of my GCSE's.
Then I was then able to attend collage.
remember feeling at the time angry that everyone had given up,
This is what gave me the drive and determination to 1 pass my GCSE's and to go
to collage.
Or was it because I would of naturally have been academic?
Because of a spirochete Infection this hindered me to a point with learning
Well we
will probably never know. Mozart did have Syphillis and look at what he accomplished and if you
want to know anything about Lyme look at Syphillis.
What I do
know is since treating the Spirochete infection with MMS,
My I.Q has risen, my
cognitive ability is better, my language and communication skills are now
second to none basically I have my brain back! No brain fog!
Neck Attack
One morning age 17, I woke up and I
could not turn my head my neck was raging with pain a burning sharp electric
shock type pain.
Of course I told my parents whose reaction was "don't you
want to go to collage?" and "You probably slept the wrong way put a
rolled up towel around your neck, you will be OK"
I went to
the local chemist and bought a neck collar which seemed to aliveate the pain
slightly made an appointment for the doctor.
Well the
doctor had no explanation and said
"give it a few days here is a prescription"
was referred to a physiotherapist, In the UK back then one had to wait probably
weeks for a physiotherapist on the NHS.
I felt
humiliated having to wear a collar around my neck what 17 year old
collars are not cool and certainly not a fashion statement!
I had
visions of me in my old age having to wear a neck collar and this scared me!
Thoughts of how could I manage a hotel or even a burger bar with this on my
People looking at me strangely for the rest of my life!
Me unable to turn
my head or even nod.
Strange Symptoms
You see
when one gets strange symptoms I think the one major fear is are you stuck with
it for the rest of your life.
Having to adjust ones own life.
From having to
adjust to being blind or deaf, unable to walk, incontinence, loss of swallow,
vertigo or being unable to turn ones head the list goes on.
The worst
of it is the doctors have no answers all they could do was put one out of ones
misery and pain as best they could.
Seeing as the medical profession is about
30 years behind (more like 100years) with the understanding of Lyme or
spirochaete infection all the doctors can do is what they have learned.
I felt
well if the doctor has no answers I must be stuck like this!
The pain
was unbelievable unexplainable awful. It was so frustrating having to adjust my
life frustrating not being able to turn my head.
it affected me. I felt useless hopeless helpless deppressed.
I was not the sort of person to just give up!
I could
not read books properly as my neck was so sore I could not hold the book in one
place for very long.
I could not write I could not drive I could not cook for
I had just woken up one day and my whole life as I knew it just stopped
dead in it's tracks!
The neck
problem I had was just the start of what I call the dramatic symptoms the
symptoms that would take over my life time and time again and always as each symptom appeared,
I would
have that fear that I would be stuck with it for the rest of my life.
It did
not help that those around me did not believe me either talk about support!
Well I was actually used to the feelings of failure and no support seeing as
since the bite that is what my life had become.
In some ways I suppose it made
me stronger as a human being,
made me who I am today.
Maybe this is one of the
things I could be thankful to the Spirochete infection for,
or my own human
spirit or both well there are reasons for everything aren't there?
My neck
did get back to normal after about a month and I was so grateful I could loose
that blasted neck collar and carry on with my life I soon forgot all about it,
until the next time it happened over the years and of course now.
Well yes
I woke up a couple of days ago, My neck was raging in pain and very stiff.
But this time the neck symptoms were shall we say not as dramatic as the one I
had at age 17 and over the yearts.
I just took my morning dose of MMS and took it real easy,
after my second dose of MMS at night,
waking up the next morning neck was
Now maybe this was the last of the die off or maybe some Lyme fragments on
the one major joint in my body, my neck who knows.
I am just so grateful that it
di not last long.
My family and their necks
My Mother:
Had a
neck problem she wore a collar and constanly took pain killers for the pain.
did not help that on a couple of occasions she had a couple of accidents with
her neck.
I would say know I know about the Spirochete infection and the horse
fly bite I got,
most of her neck problems were because of the spirochte
She was
also diagnosed with Low thyroid which we now know is connected to Lyme or
Spirochete infection.
My mother
has been taking MMS for about half the time of my brother and I.
My Brother :
about age 7, my brother always complained about a sore neck.
My Grandmother
would say this is not right a boy of that age complaing about a sore neck boys
his age don't have sore necks like that.
He now
tells me that the pain he suffered was like having a rod stuck through his
he found it real hard to turn his head.
The pain he experienced was
like sharp electric shocks, he says it was just something he learned to live
Why should he have to of gone through that for most of his life?
Now he is
taking the MMS he now says that his neck is better, he has no electric
shock sensations or pain and the rod has finally gone!
As I have
said my brother was also diagnosed with M.S but we now know that M.S should be
Spirochetes thanks to Lida Mattman.
Refer to the following link where this
wonderful lady at a presentation at a conference in Chicago in 2006 at the
Autoimmune Research Foundation.
He has
been taking MMS about the same amount of time as myself and my children.
My Children
Both my
children have always complained about a sore neck.
When they were younger they
did not have the ability to express verbally what they felt or what the
symptoms were, like any young child.
Now they
are in their teens they now of course do have the ability to verbalise, now
can explain what they went through.
My eldest
was a rod running from the top of my head right down to my toes.
It felt like something was preventing me from
moving properly or with ease. It was quite painful.
I would
get sharp pains in my neck like something was stabbing me all the time.
I just learnt to live with it and cope with
it, what else could I do?.
Now since I have been treating myself the rod
has disappeared it's gone! the pain has gone and nothing is stabbing me
My conclusion
From the evidence of my family and myself and
our neck attacks, the fact that we are all treating ourselves, their neck symptoms have gone.
Now I can safely say and so can they, yes we all had a
spirochete infection.
All because of a horse fly I was bitten by at age 9.
I can just
say that we are all so grateful that we have found out the cause of all our
and that our necks are sorted no more neck attacks!
I think I may have had the neck symptoms back for a
fleeting 2 days perhaps because,
I was the
one who got bitten and my mother, brother were infected by me and my children
had congenital
Lyme or Spirochete infection.
Don't get me wrong I feel very responsible for my
Brother and my Mother.
I feel immensely
responsible that I infected my children who are the most important humans in my
I have guilt
and I have anger.
I would never knowingly infect anyone or anything
if I had known I had this terrible infection that is like an
octopus that
affects every area of ones life.
I know it was not my fault and I did not infect the
human race with this infection.
My family also tell me it was not my fault and they
do not blame me and are very grateful that I found out about Lyme and
Spirochete infection and ultimately MMS.
So there was a reason I qualified as a Web Developer or I would never of done any web surfing and come across the info
about Lyme and the Lyme conspiracy or MMS or
seen Lida Mattman and saved my family and my own lives!
Yep there are reasons for everything the universe
does work in mysterious ways.
So I suppose in a way I have in some ways been able
to release the guilt as now they have been saved.
Lyme Girl x
**Always consult a LLMD (Lyme Literate Doctor) or your own health care professional.**
Copyright 2012-2013 LymeGirl all rights reserved.
Copyright 2012-2013 LymeGirl all rights reserved.
Saturday, 24 November 2012
Electric shock sensations
Hello all,
I have not written for a little while well because I really had nothing to say.
Then just as one feels well all is quite on the Lyme front low and behold something pops up and rears it's ugly head.
Yes we have had reoccuring bite marks to deal with, I had the stripey leg to deal with, the swelling,the list is endless.
So now I am having to deal with some sharp electric shock type sensations on my scalp and my body yes all over my body.
This is not unusaul for any Lyme sufferer I am sure mine would be worse if I was not treating myself.
Along with the electric shock sensations comes the itching.
I remember way back having the same problems when I was about 17 so that would of been about 7 years after the horse fly bite when I got infected.
It seems to me that my body as I am treating the infection brings up old symptoms I used to have like I am going backwards in time so to speak.
Isn't the spirochete infection strange to say the least!
So that old sensation is back again and like I say if I was not taking MMS it would be a 1000 times worse.
I suppose like all the sympotms I am going through the electric shock sensations and itching will go and just maybe just maybe go for good!
It is all a waiting game and takes a lot of patience on my part to see what will rise it's ugly head next time in the spirochete cycle of death.
Because that is exactly what it is the cycle of death to the spirochetes once and for all!
If you are treating the spirochete infection with either antibiotics or MMS or other remedies bear this in mind you are killing off a parasite that has been around longer than us humans and they are very adaptable to a point this is why it is so important to carry on treatment even after you feel better and well.
Well that is what I keep telling myself.
Yes treatment is a real pain in the backside and yes one does go through lows as well as highs but believe you me treating the infection is oh so worth it rather than not treating and living with the affects of an illness that is oh so debilatating and scary.
Don't give up, stay strong with the treatment you won't regret it.
Lyme Girl
**Always consult a LLMD (Lyme Literate Doctor) or your own health care professional.**
Copyright 2012-2013 LymeGirl all rights reserved.
Friday, 9 November 2012
Hello all,
I said in my previous post that i would explain why i have been so busy.
Well I have been busy exercising as much as I can, I am applying pacing to this.
By doing the pacing exercise I am finding this is easing the swelling unfortunately I still have the bite mark but I suppose this will take time to go.
The MMS is working well I have been taking it 16 months so it should be making a difference.
My co-ordination has improved as have my energy levels which i am very grateful for.
Brain fog has gone i am thinking clearer than ever before.
I just have to have a lot of patience with myself (something i sometimes have difficulty with).
Here's hoping that i will eventually be better and in fully working order.
I banked on the MMS taking at least 2 years or more and it is looking as though this is an overestimate.
It looks as though it could be a shorter time.
The hardest thing for me when I got diagnosed with M.S, was my life, my career, my dreams and aspirations went on hold or stopped many years ago.
I came to accept the fact that disability was my way of life and I would probably never have a career again or dreams or aspirations.
Now I have found out about the Lyme conspiracy and the cover up of chronic Lyme and discovered the connection to M.S and the spirochete infection and finding out that yes M.S can be helped or dare I say it cured by antibiotics
I have to reassess my career my dreams and aspirations because I will have my life taken off hold at last and I will be able to join the rest of the human race which was so drastically taken from me all those years ago with the M.S diagnoses.
Pity there is a double dip recession going on at the moment but hey when I am actually able to start looking for a job and new career lets hope the financial climate would have recovered quicker than the Lyme hey.
Pity we all can't apply MMS to the job market.
As I have said it is all about patience.
Yes maybe one day soon I will be able to start a new career and get off the government benefits and be able to support myself totally.
While I am patiently waiting for this to happen I am now having to start again like when i was at school deciding my future and in some ways this is exciting and in others very daunting as I am older and this time I have two children to support as well.
But hey life is all about challenges isn't it?
Getting rid of a spirochete infection is certainly one of the biggest challenges I have ever had to go through but oh so worth it of course.
I thought the biggest challenge i have ever had to face was rearing children but no siree the biggest is defiantly curing a spirochete infection and as i always say Do Not Give Up! (my new mantra).
Lyme Girl
Copyright 2012-2013 LymeGirl all rights reserved.
Sunday, 28 October 2012
Re-occurring Bite Mark and Lyme
Hello all,
I have not written for a little while because I have been rather busy more about that on my next post.
I wanted to talk about my re-occurring bite mark.
What is a re-occurring bite mark i hear you ask?
With Lyme and co-infections it is the usual occurrence that the bite mark reappears anywhere on the body and sometimes never near the original bite.
Some don’t even remember being bitten or some may have congenital Lyme and spirochete infections.
If one has congenital Lyme and spirochete infection they will get a bite mark like the person who passed the spirochete infection on to them who did get bitten..
Both my children do display a bite mark like my original bite mark I got from the horse fly.
Refer to this page regarding my children’s congenital bite marks:
The bite I got was on my right thigh and I have noticed my right side of my body being the most affected by spirochete infection symptoms.
Well I have a bite mark that has appeared on my right ankle there is also slight swelling and this is not a new bite mark not at all.
As you can see in the photo below the mark looks quite strange to say the least.
"Re-occurring bite mark/Spirochete rash" |
The re-occurring bite mark I have I have had for many years and now i come to think about it yes it has reapperred in cycles 6 week to be exact.
I used to go to the doctor about this strange type mark and was told :
“you must be allergic to something”
“Change your diet”
“use this antihistamine cream”
The doctors could never quite put their fingers on what was actually afflicting me.
Well it wasn’t a bulls eye rash was it no why?
Because I was bitten in Europe not the U.S.A.
The U.S.A infection of Lyme produces a Bulls eye rash in Europe this is not the case.
Sometimes there is no rash.
I do remember the bite from the horse fly very vividly now I have connected the dots.
![]() |
"A Horse Fly" |
I do remember the pain of the bite and the rash/mark afterwards.
I am hoping with my use of MMS that eventually one day I will be rid of this strange bite mark forever well here’s hoping.
I am sure if i was on antibiotics the same recovery symptoms would appear but I am sure the antibiotics would take longer than MMS but that is only my own personal opinion.
With the mark creams and ointments do nothing and all I can do is be patient as my body with the help of MMs slowly but surely gets rid of the spirochete infection.
Lyme Girl
**Always consult a LLMD (Lyme Literate Doctor) or your own health care professional.**
Copyright 2012-2013 LymeGirl all rights reserved.
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